Available courses

Information search and Bible study tools

Bible Study Tools

Old Testament Survey

New Testament Survey

Inductive learning: Roman letter (in Estonian)

Inductive learning: Roman letter (in English)

Inductive learning: Roman letter (in English)

Inductive learning: Gospel of Mark (English group)

New Testament Theology

Old Testament Prophets

Old Testament Theology

PIO027 Greek (Russian group)

Exegesis of the New Testament (In Estonian)

Inductive learning: Gospel of Mark (Estonian group)

Inductive learning: Gospel of Mark (Russian group)

Induktiivõpe: Exodus (EST)

Eksodus // Exodus: Inductive Bible Study // Russian.....

Индуктивное обучение: Исход (RUS)

New Testament Inductive Study Practicum (ENG)

Uue Testamendi induktiivõpe praktikum (EST)

Hermeneutics I

Hermeneutics II

Tarkusekirjandus ja poeesia Литературa мудростьи и поэзия Wisdom literatuure and Poetry

Jeremija: teenides prohvetlikult meie kaasaegset maailma

Иеремия: пророческое служение современному миру

Jeremiah: Ministering Prophetically to our Contemporary World

Foundations of Wesleyan Theology

Foundations of Wesleyan Theology

Philosophy Survey

Comparative Religion

Eetika Этика Ethics

Cultural Anthropology for Christian Missions

Апологетика - Apologetics

Thinking missionally

Культура Православия

Denominational Studies

Church history: early church and the middle ages

The Church from the Enlightenment to Today

History of the Estonian Church

Celtic Spirituality

Church Growth and Church Planting

PRT302 - Introduction to psychology
PRT338 - What do Estonians Believe? A Sociology of Religion Perspective

Spiritual Formation Seminar I

Family Counselling

Lifelong learning in the congregations

Foundations of Diaconal Ministry

Homileetika praktikum Homiletics practicum Практикум хомилетики

Практика поклонения

Theology of Worship

Christian martyrs and persecution

UMC Polity - Форма правления ОМЦ

Practical Ministry of Methodist Church pastors in Estonia

Communicating the Christian Message

Misjoniprojekti juhtimine ja ettevõtlus Управление миссионерскими проектами и предпринимательство Entrepreneurial Leadership of Missional Projects

Christian Identity in Contemporary Society

Spiritual Formation Seminar II

Spiritual Formation Seminar III

Spiritual Formation Seminar IV

Spiritual Formation Seminar V

Spiritual Formation Seminar VI

New Spirituality in 21st century Estonia

Information Media Production for Christian Mission

Социология религии

Finno-Ugric culture and Christian mission

Практика  I:  Наблюдение - Ministry Practicum I: Observation

Ministry Practicum II: Congregational ministry

Ministry Practicum III: Mission - Практика III: Миссия

APA formatting rules

Teadusliku uurimustöö alused - Основы исследовательской работы - Foundations of Scientific Research

E-õppe koolitus õppejõududele. Kursuse eesmärk on õppejõududele ja juhendajatele e-õppe vahendite ja võimaluste tutvustamine Moodle näitel.

Moodle для начинающих - Moodle for beginners

Moodle для учителей - Moodle for teachers 

MS Teams training for teachers and interpreters - Обучение MS Team для учителей и переводчиков

Oбучения программы Teams для студентов - Teams program training for students

Jeesus evangeeliumites Иисус в евангелиях Jesus in Gospels